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Monday, December 31, 2012

BBC News - Home: Christmas murder accused in court

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thumbnail Christmas murder accused in court
Dec 31st 2012, 15:12

A 28-year-old man accused of killing his girlfriend, whose body was found on Christmas Day, appears in court.

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BBC News - Home: VIDEO: Torches kick-off city's Hogmanay

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thumbnail VIDEO: Torches kick-off city's Hogmanay
Dec 31st 2012, 11:20

The countdown to 2013 begins in Edinburgh with a torchlight procession through the city.

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BBC News - Home: Pardew hoping that Ba will stay

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Dec 31st 2012, 15:33

Newcastle boss Alan Pardew hopes striker Demba Ba will remain at the club after the January transfer window.

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BBC News - Home: Mancini hints at January signings

BBC News - Home
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Dec 31st 2012, 14:46

Roberto Mancini says international call-ups and a lengthy injury list could see Manchester City make signings in January.

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BBC News - Home: Pakistan 'frees Taliban figure'

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Dec 31st 2012, 15:45

Pakistan frees the former justice minister of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Turabi, as part of moves to encourage a peace process, an official says.

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BBC News - Home: Floods spark more travel misery

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Dec 31st 2012, 14:50

Flooding causes travel disruption across mid, west and north Wales and a man is rescued from his van.

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BBC News - Home: Libya rediscovers its hidden talent

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thumbnail Libya rediscovers its hidden talent
Dec 31st 2012, 11:43

Rockers and artists revelling in post-revolutionary freedoms

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BBC News - Home: Greek ex-minister faces inquiry

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Dec 31st 2012, 14:48

Greece's coalition government backs the investigation and potential trial of former Finance Minister, George Papaconstantinou, for allegedly shielding his relatives from a tax inquiry.

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BBC News - Home: Nature's weirdest news quiz 2012

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Dec 31st 2012, 09:46

Take our quiz on odd nature discoveries

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BBC News - Home: Businesses urge 'crossrail' plan

BBC News - Home
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Dec 31st 2012, 13:16

A business lobby group has unveiled plans for £200m Cardiff "crossrail" that it says is needed to help the city cope with housing and economic growth.

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BBC News - Home: Concern over missing ferry woman

BBC News - Home
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Dec 31st 2012, 14:01

Police appeal for information after a Derby woman disappears while on a ferry from Hull to Rotterdam.

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BBC News - Home: Showers warning for New Year parties

BBC News - Home
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Dec 31st 2012, 14:46

Thousands of revellers across the UK are being warned to pack umbrellas for New Year's Eve events as 2012 looks likely to end on a damp note.

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 揮別歹年冬 2012民怨「亂.慘.爛」

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揮別歹年冬 2012民怨「亂.慘.爛」
Dec 31st 2012, 12:06

揮別歹年冬 2012民怨「亂.慘.爛」.2012年即將結束,不過,這一年對台灣人來說不好過,景氣差、物價卻飛漲,因此在不少人心目中,用亂、慘、爛等負面的字來形容,而展望2013年,最多人的心聲是一個「盼」字 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 跨年夜難訂位 麻辣鍋排到凌晨3點半

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跨年夜難訂位 麻辣鍋排到凌晨3點半
Dec 31st 2012, 11:17

跨年夜難訂位 麻辣鍋排到凌晨3點半跨年夜寒流持續發威,天氣冷火鍋店生意本來就好到不行,再加上跨年人潮全部出籠,知名的連鎖千葉火鍋,訂位比平常還多出2倍左右,另外走單點高價路線的鼎王 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 赴美免簽被騙 14美元規費竟收73美元

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赴美免簽被騙 14美元規費竟收73美元
Dec 31st 2012, 10:25

赴美免簽被騙 14美元規費竟收73美元11月1日起,赴美免簽正式上路,卻有民眾因為申請ESTA,也就是電子系統旅遊授權時,遭不明網站詐騙,台北一位張小姐就遇到,原本申請ESTA費用是14元美金 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 台東肉包連假夯 3天賣3萬個

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台東肉包連假夯 3天賣3萬個
Dec 31st 2012, 11:04

(中央社記者盧太城台東縣31日電)元旦連續假期台東湧入人潮,3家知名肉包店,3天估計賣出3萬個,卑南豬血湯、楊記地瓜酥等知名小吃,出現長長人龍 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 北返車潮 估元旦午後達高峰

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北返車潮 估元旦午後達高峰
Dec 31st 2012, 11:24

  動彈不得  ▲元旦連續假期第2天,國道車流比前一天還多,從北到南都很塞,多處回堵。由於天氣冷颼颼,到礁溪泡溫泉的人倍增,國道5號南下路段回堵逾2小時。圖為國道1號新開通的五楊高架道路中壢到楊梅段,在與平面道路交會的中壢端,北上路段整天都塞,車輛走走停停。 (陳麒全攝)31日國道全線交通量為227萬輛次,較一般假日的180萬增加26% ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 國境之東三貂角 海景迎曙光

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國境之東三貂角 海景迎曙光
Dec 31st 2012, 13:06

國境之東三貂角 無敵海景迎曙光.不只在福隆車站,安排專車接駁,還準備熱騰騰的鮑魚粥 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 騎馬舞遭取代? CNN2013預測前景

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騎馬舞遭取代? CNN2013預測前景
Dec 31st 2012, 09:46

2012年即將結束,而許多人也對2013年充滿期待,至於未來一年,國際局勢將有何重大發展呢?美國有線電視新聞網CNN就預測了明年可能發生的國際大事 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 罰低頭族降酒測值 元旦實施

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罰低頭族降酒測值 元旦實施
Dec 31st 2012, 11:54

(中央社記者劉建邦台北31日電)2013年元旦倒數計時,台北市交通大隊今天說,自102年1月1日起,汽、機車駕駛人當低頭族,酒測值超過0.15毫克皆依法開罰 ...

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BBC News - Home: Rebels dismiss CAR leader's offer

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Dec 31st 2012, 12:58

Rebels in Central African Republic dismiss President Francois Bozize's offer to form a national unity government, saying he cannot be trusted.

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BBC News - Home: Mobile networks braced for New Year

BBC News - Home
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Dec 31st 2012, 13:30

The UK's mobile networks are preparing for what is expected to be the busiest night of

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BBC News - Home: Egyptian pound in further slide

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Dec 31st 2012, 13:07

The Egyptian pound falls further against the US dollar, despite efforts by the country's financial authorities to intervene in the money markets.

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BBC News - Home: Security alert at police station

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Dec 31st 2012, 12:45

A number of homes are evacuated in Tandragee, County Armagh, following the discovery of a suspicious object at the police station.

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BBC News - Home: London Market Report

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Dec 31st 2012, 13:23

London Market Report

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BBC News - Home: Missing man wanted over assault

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Dec 31st 2012, 13:32

Police are trying to trace a missing mental health patient following a sexual assault in Greater Manchester.

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 財政の崖:米議会 与野党合意に失敗 交渉持ち越し

財政の崖:米議会 与野党合意に失敗 交渉持ち越し
Dec 31st 2012, 11:48

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