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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BBC News - Home: Coral could hold key to sunscreen

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Coral could hold key to sunscreen
Aug 30th 2011, 23:13

Scientists hope to harness coral's natural defence against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays to make a sunscreen pill for humans.

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BBC News - Home: Blood sugar check with eye tests

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Blood sugar check with eye tests
Aug 30th 2011, 23:12

Opticians should offer blood sugar checks alongside eye tests to help spot patients with undiagnosed diabetes, experts propose.

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BBC News - Home: Gender pay gap 'to last 98 years'

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Gender pay gap 'to last 98 years'
Aug 30th 2011, 23:03

It will take almost a century for women managers in the UK to be paid same as their male counterparts, a study says.

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BBC News - Home: Land Rover confirms new Defender

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Land Rover confirms new Defender
Aug 30th 2011, 22:44

Land Rover will release an all-new version of its Defender model in 2015, it confirms.

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BBC News - Home: Coates completes Liverpool switch

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Coates completes Liverpool switch
Aug 30th 2011, 22:29

Liverpool complete the signing of Uruguay centre-back Sebastian Coates from Nacional.

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BBC News - Home: Council set to reject share plan

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Council set to reject share plan
Aug 30th 2011, 23:01

Proposals for councils in the west of Scotland to share services looks likely to be rejected by one of the local authorities involved in the plan.

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BBC News - Home: Male bosses paid more than women

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Male bosses paid more than women
Aug 30th 2011, 23:04

Scottish male executives are being paid on average £10,000 more than their female counterparts, a survey has suggested.

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BBC News - Home: US consumer confidence 'slumps'

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US consumer confidence 'slumps'
Aug 30th 2011, 23:33

US consumer confidence slumped in August to its lowest level since April 2009, according to the latest monthly Conference Board report.

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BBC News - Home: Jewish settlers get army training

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Jewish settlers get army training
Aug 30th 2011, 22:06

Israel says it is training Jewish settlers in the West Bank to repel violent protest ahead of a Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN.

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BBC News - Home: VIDEO: Briton on being stuck in New York

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VIDEO: Briton on being stuck in New York
Aug 30th 2011, 21:47

Thousands of British travellers have been stranded in the wake of Hurricane Irene. Airlines are struggling to cope with the backlog of people, whose flights were cancelled.

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BBC News - Home: Jail over Bolivia protest deaths

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Jail over Bolivia protest deaths
Aug 30th 2011, 21:36

Bolivia's Supreme Court convicts five senior military officers and two ex-ministers over the killings of 64 people during protests in 2003.

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BBC News - Home: Heads roll over botched gun sting

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Heads roll over botched gun sting
Aug 30th 2011, 21:35

The acting director of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the US attorney in Arizona resign over a failed sting operation in Mexico.

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BBC News - Home: US gardener impaled in eye by shears recovers

BBC News - Home
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US gardener impaled in eye by shears recovers
Aug 30th 2011, 22:20

An 86-year-old US man who was impaled through the eye with pruning shears in a freak gardening accident should make a full recovery, doctors say.

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BBC News - Home: VIDEO: Torture 'widely used' in Syria crackdown

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VIDEO: Torture 'widely used' in Syria crackdown
Aug 30th 2011, 22:11

Torture is being widely used and at least 88 people have died in detention in the past four months according to Amnesty International.

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頭條要聞: 罵人靠夭靠北 「不算侮辱」(台語版)

罵人靠夭靠北 「不算侮辱」(台語版)
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

【郭芷余、王吟芳╱高雄報導】計程車司機王瑞昌和陳益通在火車站前擦撞,陳男以台語「你是在靠夭(哭餓)、靠北(哭爸)」罵王而挨告。高雄地檢署檢察官認為,靠夭、靠北用詞雖不文雅,但現今社會使用上已不見得是侮辱,陳男是因氣不過對方喋喋不休才說出此語,意思類似國語的「吵什麼吵!」只是要求對方閉嘴非公然侮辱,昨處分不起訴。 詳全文:罵人靠夭靠北 「不算侮辱」(台語版)

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BBC News - Home: Mum jailed over indecent photos

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Mum jailed over indecent photos
Aug 30th 2011, 20:28

A mother who took indecent photographs of a young girl and distributed them when she was heavily pregnant is jailed for two years.

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BBC News - Home: Baltacha battles into round two

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Baltacha battles into round two
Aug 30th 2011, 21:13

British number one Elena Baltacha reaches the second round of the US Open after American wildcard Jamie Hampton retires in dramatic circumstances.

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BBC News - Home: Fed divided over interest rates

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Fed divided over interest rates
Aug 30th 2011, 21:25

Minutes of the Federal Reserve's latest Open Policy Committee meeting show the highest level of dissent among its members for 19 years.

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頭條要聞: 檢方分案 涉重傷害可囚10年

檢方分案 涉重傷害可囚10年
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

台大醫院爆發誤植愛滋器官事件,台北地檢署認為相關醫護人員行為可能涉犯《人類免疫缺乏病毒傳染防治及感染者權益保障條例》,昨分案追究刑責,若罪名成立,最重可處十年重刑。 詳全文:檢方分案 涉重傷害可囚10年

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頭條要聞: 開學季 腸病毒增1重症

開學季 腸病毒增1重症
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

【甯瑋瑜╱台北報導】衛生署昨發布今年第5例腸病毒重症病例,一名罹患腦瘤的桃園縣7歲男童感染腸病毒71型,出現高燒、肢體無力,所幸經治療已康復出院。因腸病毒已兩年未流行,0到3歲嬰幼兒多無抗體,隨本周各級學校陸續開學,腸病毒恐透過學校、幼托機構傳播,衛生署特別發信給上萬所學校與機構老師,以及上百萬名家長,提醒加強洗手、消毒玩具。 詳全文:開學季 腸病毒增1重症

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頭條要聞: 《VR快打5》最新作移植家用 再現格鬥熱潮 --- PS3 / XBOX360 輔

《VR快打5》最新作移植家用 再現格鬥熱潮 --- PS3 / XBOX360 輔
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

在1994年,由SEGA公司知名製作人 鈴木裕 所創造,史上第一個3D立體格鬥遊戲《VR快打》,開啟了3D格鬥遊戲的潮流,《VR快打》系列在日本曾創造的社會現象至今依然讓人津津樂道,而遊戲推出至今人氣依舊歷久不衰。日本SEGA公司也於日前宣布,他們將在Xbox LIVE以及PSN上推出《VR快打》系列的最新作《VR快打5 最終對決》,預定將會在2012年夏天發售。本作是在2006年推出的《VR快打5》最新版本,追加了新模式、新場地、服裝自訂系統,大型機台版本的兩位新角色,以及玩家最期待的線上對戰功能也會一併收錄,SEGA官方也給玩家承諾,將會有接近零延遲的網路對戰環境,重現大型電玩般的格鬥快感喔!! (C) SEGA Co Ltd All Rights Reserved. 更多電玩宅速配影音請到 電玩宅速配粉絲團 詳全文:《VR快打5》最新作移植家用 再現格鬥熱潮 --- PS3 / XBOX360 輔

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頭條要聞: 香港六合彩開彩號碼 第103期

香港六合彩開彩號碼 第103期
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

★攪珠日期:2011/8/30 下期攪珠:2011/9/2 ★本周日、三、六攪珠結果見報 ★資料來源:香港賽馬會 詳全文:香港六合彩開彩號碼 第103期

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頭條要聞: 月薪僅2500 惡僱判賠47萬

月薪僅2500 惡僱判賠47萬
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

【蔣永佑╱台北報導】北市中年婦人蔡惠華六年前,仲介越南新娘金氏秋與李姓男子結婚後,她和李男協議讓金女在其檳榔攤工作三年,抵扣二十五萬元仲介費,金女第一年月薪僅兩千五百元,到第三年也才加薪到四千五百元。後來金女獲知自己是廉價勞工後與蔡婦反目,提告要求給付薪資,士林地院昨判蔡婦須給付金女四十七萬餘元的薪資差額。 詳全文:月薪僅2500 惡僱判賠47萬

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頭條要聞: 不應處罰台大醫院醫事人員(林萍章)

Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

台大醫院因疏失而移植愛滋病人的器官給其他5名病人,造成極大的醫療錯誤。近日討論的焦點集中於在電話確認愛滋檢驗結果的失誤,以及如何處分台大醫院與其醫事人員。媒體報導法界意見:認為應以《刑法》「過失致重傷害罪」起訴醫事人員;被感染愛滋病的病人可依《民法》要求損害賠償;衛生署可行政處分禁止台大醫院執行器官移植手術一段期間。然而,處罰台大醫院與其醫事人員,台灣醫界是否就不再犯錯了呢? 詳全文:不應處罰台大醫院醫事人員(林萍章)

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頭條要聞: 防腳毒疣復發 應採冷凍療法

防腳毒疣復發 應採冷凍療法
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

健康版推出「健康Q&A」專欄,解答讀者對健康方面的疑問,歡迎來信至 詳全文:防腳毒疣復發 應採冷凍療法

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頭條要聞: 太誇張 開學日教室仍施工

太誇張 開學日教室仍施工
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

【連線報導】昨天是中小學開學日,有學校大玩扮裝秀熱鬧迎新‎,也有學生竟在工地中開課,險象環生。全校三千多名學生、人數為全台中巿之冠的南陽國小,因防震補強工程的教室未如期完工,學生被迫在施工中教室上課,有家長大罵:「高樓層教室連窗戶也沒裝好、空了一個大洞,小孩掉下來怎麼辦?」還有家長當場把小孩帶走「罷課」。 詳全文:太誇張 開學日教室仍施工

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頭條要聞: 機密外交涉吞千萬 邱義仁 高英茂無罪

機密外交涉吞千萬 邱義仁 高英茂無罪
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

【綜合報導】特偵組偵辦安亞機密外交案,查出部分公款支票竟在美國賭場兌現,認定國安會前祕書長邱義仁、外交部前次長高英茂虛構第四筆支出,詐領五十萬美元(約台幣一千六百五十萬元)公款,依貪污罪將兩人起訴,但台北地院認定公款已轉交外國人士,且支票並非兩人兌現,事後該專案也確實促使台灣參與世界貿易組織(WTO)不被矮化,因此判邱、高兩人無罪。 詳全文:機密外交涉吞千萬 邱義仁 高英茂無罪

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頭條要聞: 知法犯法 警車穿越槽化線

知法犯法 警車穿越槽化線
Aug 30th 2011, 23:00

【投訴組╱高雄報導】楊先生7月底行駛高市左營區大中路時,行車記錄器恰巧拍下一輛國道警車竟違規穿越槽化線,他大罵警員知法犯法。對此,國道警察局第五警察隊表示,已處分違規警員。高市警察局交通大隊執法組則指出,警車未開閃燈表示非執勤狀態,違規仍要開單告發。 楊先生表示,7月26日行駛大中路時,正前方有輛警車原本行駛在左轉車道,快到路口時,突然違規穿越槽化線行駛到外車道。 過程均被他的行車記錄器拍下,當時警車未開啟車頂閃燈,應非執行勤務,他大罵「警員知法犯法。」 詳全文:知法犯法 警車穿越槽化線

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