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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 外為:東京=10時 1ドル=79円66〜71銭

外為:東京=10時 1ドル=79円66〜71銭
Oct 31st 2012, 01:17

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): ディズニー:「スター・ウォーズ」の映画会社買収

Oct 31st 2012, 01:30

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 東京マラソン:世界最高峰シリーズ入り

Oct 31st 2012, 01:38

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BBC News - Home: Economy changes shoppers' habits

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thumbnail Economy changes shoppers' habits
Oct 31st 2012, 00:20

UK consumers are feeling worse about the economy than last month, a survey shows, while retailers say shoppers are acting as if they don't expect a recovery soon.

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BBC News - Home: VIDEO: Strict US voting laws affect millions

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:58

Will millions of Americans be denied the vote?

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BBC News - Home: Elderly 'housebound' by fall fear

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:45

Some elderly people will not leave their homes because they are fearful of having a fall while they are out, a survey suggests

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 女友杜撰遇匪記 大學生po網觸法

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女友杜撰遇匪記 大學生po網觸法
Oct 30th 2012, 21:30

中國時報【趙麗妍╱台中報導】玩笑真的開大了!台中市一名廿歲大學生蔣加恩,廿九日將女友險遭綁架的經過poO上臉書,想藉此提醒民眾,poO網不到一天就吸引上萬人按讚 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 高市首例!保母涉虐童 公告姓名

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高市首例!保母涉虐童 公告姓名
Oct 30th 2012, 20:30

社會局開罰6萬元〔自由時報記者朱有鈴/高雄報導〕高市左營區保母許雅芬以孩童受託廿四小時、每月只收一萬元的低價吸引家長委託,最多時曾同時照顧八名孩童 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 看穿單戀男 冒充學姊借錢

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看穿單戀男 冒充學姊借錢
Oct 30th 2012, 18:50

女子陳曉萱得知叢姓男子想追求家境不錯的張姓學姊,假冒張女身分以通訊軟體「LINE」和叢連絡,謊稱皮夾遺失或亟需現金付款,再扮張女助理向叢詐騙廿四萬元;板橋地檢署昨依詐欺罪嫌將她起訴 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 北部、東北部 周末前都濕涼

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北部、東北部 周末前都濕涼
Oct 30th 2012, 20:24

好大的雨(3) (圖).受到鋒面及東北季風影響,昨入夜到今天清晨,北部低溫下滑到18度 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 騎電動車拒酒測 警多罰120倍

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騎電動車拒酒測 警多罰120倍
Oct 30th 2012, 20:26

騎電動自行車拒酒測 警多罰120倍台中市李姓男子酒後騎電動自行車遭警攔檢酒測,稱騎電動車拒酒測 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 開會癱趴桌上…腦中風未脫險

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Oct 30th 2012, 18:50

苗栗縣府民政處兵役勤管科長吳秀敏26日到南投縣開會時,疑似腦中風昏迷,生命垂危,她昏迷前還發言「將盡力達成任務」,鞠躬盡瘁精神讓人感佩,同事集氣為她祈福 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 女友不接電話 手機定位殺去海扁

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女友不接電話 手機定位殺去海扁
Oct 30th 2012, 18:50

智慧型手機功能越來越多,不但能找竊嫌,還能鎖定不接電話的女友位置。新北市張姓女子和姊妹淘到夜店跳舞,謝姓男友找不到人,開啟手機定位系統找人,發現女友在夜店 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 42件包裝米標示不實 限期改善

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42件包裝米標示不實 限期改善
Oct 30th 2012, 20:28

〔自由時報記者洪素卿/台北報導〕包裝白米標示騙很大?農委會公布第三季包裝米抽檢結果,總計抽檢兩百五十三件包裝米,有二十八件內容物與標示不符,標示不實比率超過一成 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 裝潢太吵抓狂 沙包堵鄰門 判3月

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裝潢太吵抓狂 沙包堵鄰門 判3月
Oct 30th 2012, 20:30

裝潢太吵抓狂 沙包堵鄰門 判3月〔自由時報記者楊政郡/台中報導〕住公寓4樓台中市男子陳聖文,和僱工修繕的5樓住戶協商每天下午6點須停工,因某日下午6點20分還在施工,陳某一時抓狂 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 車不讓人、行人違規 明起加強取締

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車不讓人、行人違規 明起加強取締
Oct 30th 2012, 21:30

中國時報【蕭承訓╱台北報導】明天起,民眾不管開車或走路,若未遵守交通規則,禮讓行人,就小心荷包失血。警政署昨天表示,從十一月一日起,全國警察機關針對「車不讓人」及「行人違規」 ...

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 外為・株式:NY=17時 1ドル=79円55〜65銭

外為・株式:NY=17時 1ドル=79円55〜65銭
Oct 31st 2012, 00:19

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 株式:東証=始値 8911円08銭

株式:東証=始値 8911円08銭
Oct 31st 2012, 00:24

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BBC News - Home: Fund site Kickstarter UK launch

BBC News - Home
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Oct 31st 2012, 00:41

Crowdsourced funding website Kickstarter, which has raised over $300m for small projects and businesses in the US, has launched in the UK.

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BBC News - Home: Living standards 'may stagnate'

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:01

Millions of poor and middle-income households could see their living standards no higher in 2020 than they were in 2000, a think tank says.

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BBC News - Home: Guilty plea in US agent's murder

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Oct 30th 2012, 23:48

A Mexican man pleads guilty to killing US border agent Brian Terry in a shoot-out linked to the botched US gun-smuggling operation dubbed Fast and Furious..

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BBC News - Home: Two accused of Armagh man murder

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:01

Two men aged 22 are charged with the murder of Armagh man Lee Smyth.

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BBC News - Home: Conviction in Craigslist murders

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:31

A teenager accused of helping kill three men who responded to a fake Craigslist ad is convicted of aggravated murder in an Ohio court.

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BBC News - Home: Heseltine reveals plan for growth

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:01

Lord Heseltine recommends ending a century of centralisation and moving growth funds nearer to industry in his report into boosting UK growth.

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BBC News - Home: Bananas could be future staple

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Oct 31st 2012, 00:35

Bananas could become a critical food source for millions as a result of global warming, say scientists who analysed world food security for the UN.

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BBC News - Home: Will zero tolerance harm Team Sky?

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Oct 30th 2012, 23:25

Team Sky's strong anti-drugs stance is laudable, so why does it feel like they are in disarray, asks Matt Slater

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BBC News - Home: Reading 5-7 Arsenal (aet)

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Oct 30th 2012, 23:01

Theo Walcott scores a scintillating hat-trick as Arsenal produce one of the great comebacks to reach the last eight of the League Cup.

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BBC News - Home: Next moderator of Kirk announced

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Oct 30th 2012, 20:30

The Church of Scotland names the next minister to take up the role of Moderator of the General Assembly.

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BBC News - Home: Leeds 3-0 Southampton

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Oct 30th 2012, 22:16

Leeds earn a place in the League Cup last eight after beating Southampton thanks to goals from Michael Tonge, El-Hadji Diouf and Luciano Becchio.

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