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Sunday, September 30, 2012

毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): ジャンプ:竹内3位、清水は14位 GP第8戦

ジャンプ:竹内3位、清水は14位 GP第8戦
Sep 30th 2012, 14:30

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 軽乗用車転落:15〜18歳の3女性、意識不明続く

Sep 30th 2012, 15:21

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BBC News - Home: Woman arrested over city fires

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thumbnail Woman arrested over city fires
Sep 30th 2012, 12:51

A woman has been arrested in connection with three fires in Glasgow including one which forced three men to jump from a tenement window.

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BBC News - Home: Syrian conflict: Your pictures of Aleppo's souk

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thumbnail Syrian conflict: Your pictures of Aleppo's souk
Sep 30th 2012, 14:57

Your pictures of Aleppo's famous souk, ruined in the civil war

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BBC News - Home: Turkish party 'model for Muslims'

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thumbnail Turkish party 'model for Muslims'
Sep 30th 2012, 15:14

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey says his ruling political party has become a model for others to follow in Muslim states.

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BBC News - Home: Flood-hit families finally home

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thumbnail Flood-hit families finally home
Sep 30th 2012, 14:58

Some of the people forced out of their homes in Ceredigion by severe summer floods start to return after four months, although a number of others still cannot go back.

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): プロ野球:日本ハム・栗山監督「札幌でやり直したい」

Sep 30th 2012, 14:04

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): プロ野球:小久保、貫禄の2打席連続弾

Sep 30th 2012, 13:47

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 大学職員殺人:「包丁、自宅から」天野容疑者供述

Sep 30th 2012, 14:01

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BBC News - Home: VIDEO: Balls wins 'questionable' penalty

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thumbnail VIDEO: Balls wins 'questionable' penalty
Sep 30th 2012, 14:09

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls was accused of diving by his own teammates after winning a penalty for a team of MPs.

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BBC News - Home: Title will be a miracle - Gerrard

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thumbnail Title will be a miracle - Gerrard
Sep 30th 2012, 13:38

Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard says it will take a miracle for the Reds to win the Premier League title before he retires.

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BBC News - Home: BNP leader defends Fenian comment

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thumbnail BNP leader defends Fenian comment
Sep 30th 2012, 13:11

The BNP leader Nick Griffin has defended using a derogatory term about Catholics on Twitter.

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BBC News - Home: Bonnie and Clyde guns up for sale

BBC News - Home
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thumbnail Bonnie and Clyde guns up for sale
Sep 30th 2012, 13:36

The guns used by American gangsters Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are among a host of outlaws' memorabilia up for auction.

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BBC News - Home: Doctor Who finale wins plaudits

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Sep 30th 2012, 14:11

The final episode of the latest Doctor Who series, which sees the departure of his companions Amy and Rory, impresses TV critics.

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 盧秀燕等人擬修法 降證交稅率

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盧秀燕等人擬修法 降證交稅率
Sep 30th 2012, 11:56

(中央社記者何孟奎台北30日電)中國國民黨籍立法委員盧秀燕、羅明才聯手推動修法,證券交易稅率從現行千分之3改「彈性稅率機制」,從千分之1到千分之3 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 台南北門永隆宮 請親送王船

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台南北門永隆宮 請親送王船
Sep 30th 2012, 12:06

(中央社記者楊思瑞台南30日電)台南市北門區永隆宮今天舉行「請親送王船」慶典,以燒王船儀式邀請神明的雙親搭船看熱鬧,吸引不少信眾參與。 北門永隆宮總幹事蔡武林指出 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 立委:烤肉只占全國碳排放0.002%

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Sep 30th 2012, 06:50

中秋節近年來儼然已成烤肉節,四處可見烤肉人潮,不過木炭烤肉香味四溢同時,碳排放量也大增,前副總統呂秀蓮昨天在一場環保活動上,就公開呼籲大家中秋節不要再烤肉了 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 華爾街日報:薄瓜瓜為父辯護

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Sep 30th 2012, 10:16

(中央社北京30日綜合外電報導)「華爾街日報」(WSJ)今天報導,前重慶市委書記薄熙來之子薄瓜瓜出面為父親辯護,說他「信仰純正、盡忠職守」。 ...

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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 怪手翻覆壓垮轎車 一家6口2死4傷

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怪手翻覆壓垮轎車 一家6口2死4傷
Sep 30th 2012, 11:11


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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 同款色車遭誤騎 員警細心尋失車

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同款色車遭誤騎 員警細心尋失車
Sep 30th 2012, 11:29


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Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 捉偷渡救漁民 金門海巡中秋忙

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捉偷渡救漁民 金門海巡中秋忙
Sep 30th 2012, 12:13

(中央社記者陳守國金門縣30日電)金門海巡人員在中秋節很忙碌。先是查獲大陸抽砂船侵入海域抽砂,隨後又捉偷渡嫌疑人並救起船閥失去動力漂流的大陸漁民 ...

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): プロ野球:ソフトバンク・小久保2打席連続2ラン

Sep 30th 2012, 12:34

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): プロ野球:日本ハム、優勝マジック「2」で足踏み

Sep 30th 2012, 12:37

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): インドネシア:石炭火発建設従事の日本人ら5時間拉致

Sep 30th 2012, 12:32

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 双葉病院:記者会見で院長「謝罪要求、ショックだった」

Sep 30th 2012, 12:56

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): オスプレイ:普天間抗議市民を強制排除…1日配備を前に

Sep 30th 2012, 12:53

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): PR: 理想の結婚相手像が無料でわかる【婚活診断テスト】

PR: 理想の結婚相手像が無料でわかる【婚活診断テスト】
Sep 30th 2012, 12:32


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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): PR: 都道府県型JPドメイン名、登録受付中!

PR: 都道府県型JPドメイン名、登録受付中!
Sep 30th 2012, 12:50


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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): 西武園ゆうえんち:コースターでロック外れる

Sep 30th 2012, 12:50

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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): PR: チェンジ喘息! 喘息の正しい知識と治療の総合サイト

PR: チェンジ喘息! 喘息の正しい知識と治療の総合サイト
Sep 30th 2012, 13:02


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毎日jp-ニュース速報(総合): プロ野球:広島・石井「後輩に夢託す」引退セレモニー

Sep 30th 2012, 13:02

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BBC News - Home: Europe seek miracle of Medinah

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Sep 30th 2012, 01:23

Can Europe's golfers embrace the spirit of Seve?

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BBC News - Home: Anger over Savile sex abuse claim

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Sep 30th 2012, 12:26

A relative of Sir Jimmy Savile says he is "disgusted and disappointed" claims are to be made that his uncle was a sex abuser.

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